Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby Update!

New--er News! At my Dr. Appt today I was showing no real signs of progression. My Protein level is a lot higher and my B/P is staying very high. With all my symptoms seeming to get worse instead of stabilizing The Dr. assured me that I wouldn't get past 36 weeks :( It really made me sad, I know bed rest is no fun, and verrrry boring, but having a little tinnny Jack makes me very nervous. Dr. Watts says my body is like a ticking bomb and nobody knows exactly how long the fuse is. I realllly reallly hope little Jack can stay put for 3 1/2 more weeks! I see him again on Thursday to see how fast symptoms progress, but I'm just praying I can stay home on bed rest and not have to be admitted into the hospital. He said if I was 35/36 weeks right now they would just induce me right away. Little Jack you need to cook a little' longer! April 15th I'm 36 weeks let's hope he won't make an appearance before then! Love you all, I'll be in my bed around the clock until I'm told differently :)

<3 B


The Halls said...

I'm coming over after work Friday. What do you want for dinner?

Dana Ewell said...

not a time bomb, a hand grenade! Love you Bubba