Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jo Jo

It took me reading, "Horton Hears a Who." to finally realize something. Everyone can tell you OVER and OVER again "how awesome you are", that "your talented", that "it's not you it's them", that "your pretty", and that "your important." But you can only take those things for face value when you realize YOURSELF that they are true.
You know the part in the book where the Mayor of Who-ville finds Jo Jo carelessly playing with his yo-yo while everyone is scrambling drastically around trying to save the entire city? They needed his tiny little "yop" to break the sound barrier of that tiny spec of dust to convince everyone that they were real, that they were there, that "A person's a person, no matter how small."
Well, I'm a person I may not be small, but I am important. It took me nearly 22 years to realize how much I am and how proud I am of who I'm becoming. I wanted to share this with you all because, you's nice to feel proud of yourself, it's nice to not worry about what other's may think of you. Because if they are thinking bad thoughts, have no control of that. To be proud of yourself is to be proud of everything you are saying and doing. Actions definately speak louder than words, and I have always made sure my actions are parallel with my feelings and intentions. I never want to EVER feel sorry for myself or think that I have had it worse than any other person. I also don't want to think that I am more important than anybody else. These feelings can consume you and turn you into a bitter ungrateful person and I don't want to waste anytime with negative feelings. Krysten, my friend and I were talking today and she was commenting on all the craft projects I do and she said something funny..she said, "You are making the rest of us moms look bad!" We laughed and then I must have been blushing because she told me not to be embarrassed or feel bad about my talents, but to embrace them and share them with others. I have never had a problem with sharing, so of course I have always tried my best to give back to others that may not have the opportunities I have. But for some reason I've always felt ashamed when I was doing more or had more than my neighbor. I don't know why...but it's a fact. I'm glad I realized this so I can stop over analyzing my every move. Life is just too short to think ill of those treading on your heart. Embrace and surround yourself with the people who accept and love you most on this earth because heaven will only be filled with those people.

Thanks, Jo Jo!


Crazyphace said...

And what have I been trying to tell you since we have been together? :D Thanks JoJo for your help! I love you Brittany and always have and always will. I'm so happy to see that you finally see for yourself what I and so many others have seen all along.

The Halls said...

I love you too Britty. You're my special baby sister. You are a very important piece of our family. xoxo

dana ewell said...

Exactly! My sentiments exactly!