Married a Month!
WOW! I've been married for a month now! It's been the hardest most fun month of my life! Though a month may seem' like just a short time A LOT has happened, lets see....We moved in to our apartment, started with the decorating :), maddie our puppy got her shots :(, The daycare I worked for went under, I found a new job, The new job doesn't start for another month, so I'm doing odd side jobs...Chris turned 22! Kyle our only nephew turned one! Chris' dad fell off the roof and broke 7 ribs on his right side! Oh dear! And sooo- much more! Though a lot of trying things have happened in the one month we have been married, Chris and I have worked through them together and I love him EVEN more! (Which I didn't think was possible) We have learned a lot about each other and living together has finally become a very nice routine :) I love my husband he is the most sweetest caring man in the world, not to mention oober patient! This month has gone by soo- fast and I'm just glad I got to spend every moment of it with my adoring husband and will get to spend every moment with him all through eternity.