Thursday, June 20, 2013

Jack is WAY too big!

My Jack is way too big. He can now communicate perfectly with me and knows more words than I could ever count. He talks in full comprehendible sentences and I still sometimes have to pick my jaw up off the floor when he says something like, "I brush and walked the horsey, he's nice." or "Clap for Jack-Jack, I go potty!" in perfect context. Something that was completely my fault and I felt terrible for was when he repeated, "Move out-da way Ouws-hole." (Ya not proud, I promise I'm not a potty mouth, just almost died on the freeway that day..) Jack started potty training Mid May and now is fully potty trained through not only the day, but also during naps, and the night. I feel super lucky that I get 3 whole months of "No more diapers, momma!", but that doesn't mean we don't have the occasional accident when he is are just "too busy".. Jack talks a lot about "Piyates" (pirates), "Jake and Nairland Piyates", and "ca'n hook". My sister Ashlee got him a dvd set for his birthday and my mom got him a fun Jack and the Neverland Pirate book, he loves them both and interacts with the show, shouting out the funny things they say. He spends a lot of his time saying, "yo-ho, lets-go" & "yay-hay, no-way". Not super' thrilled that he now says "yay-hay no-way" when he doesn't want to do something, still working on that. He also still LOVES his number one passion since he was barely crawling, "cycles". He is super excited that Chris now has a "mower cycle" and he talks about "daddy's cycle" all day long. Jack has become SUPER clingy to me lately and would love if I would carry him around on my hip all day. He is constantly saying, "momma hold you." I have to say my upper body strength is quite strong. As my back has gotten sore though I've had to tell him no and have him just hold my hand when we are out and about, but knowing I have only 3 1/2 months of just him makes me give in a lot more than I should. When I ask Jack, "What's in momma's belly?" he says " your baby body". I've tried to tell him it's his baby brother or that it's just a baby, but he insists that it's my "baby body." Jack DOES NOT like to talk about the baby, or being a big brother, so I worry a little about how he will react to the baby. Guess we will just have to wait and see...

We've been spending a lot of time at the park and the pool and I am really enjoying being home with just him. Jack's a strong willed child, but also a sweetheart. He gives the best loves and I can almost always calm him down quickly by just talking him through why he's upset. He is DEFINITELY two though..He had his first ginormous tantrum at the pool and has had 2 more since. (You know, the ones where you want to move 10 feet away and stare at him like he's someone else's beastly child? Ya that kind.) All three times, It took me longer than usual to secure him from thrashing and it was near impossible to talk him through it. When he finally did calm down the first thing he said was "Sarny I cry momma."'s tough being two. And sometimes it's even tougher being the mom of said two year old. Jack is just growing up before our eyes, getting taller, and smarter everyday. His favorite food is corn and just ask him his favorite color, he will tell you. (It's "Ornge" by the way.) Love our little Jack-Attack. He makes our lives happy and exciting and we would't be a family without him.

Monday, June 3, 2013

My "Naunie Jack-Jack"

I was talking to my mom tonight telling her just how naughty my little Jack had been today, and she thought I should write down some of the naughty things he's done. It seems my little gremlin can't be fed, get wet, or be left a lone for even a second at any point of the day (not just after midnight).

Let me tell you some of his most recent "adventures"...Well, the other day he was eating Cheetos, I THOUGHT at the kitchen table, HA! I found him in the living room rubbing his orange hands all over my white fluffy kitty Laya, because they were "a mess mamma". Laya was seriously completely orange, I ended up having to give her a bath and scrub her fur. Needless to say, her fur is still a tinted orange color and she may never be the same after the cheeto incident or bath. Sigh..

Maybe some of you saw the awesome "Stary Night" scene Jack drew all over the glider-rocker in his room? Ya..that was an awesome day. He was actually in time-out at the time and decided it would be a good idea to draw all over the glider with a black pen. It took me 3 hours to scrub it out with a toothbrush & windex believe it or not, but luckily it came out.

A month or two ago Jack colored on my wall with silver sharpie. He was able to color seriously halfway to the top of the ceiling (I don't know how), but he was thorough. That required painting over his masterpiece, a pretty easy fix. I almost wanted to just leave it because he was so proud. He came up to me while I was making the bed and said, "Mamma, I color." He then took my hand and showed me, I'll admit I laughed a little at this.

Or the time I walked into the bathroom and found the whole tub was pink..He had emptied the entire bottle of Chris' Axe body wash into the tub, at least he smelled good.

Or how he will never get tired of emptying the cats food into the water dish....He does this AT LEAST 3 times a week.
Well today, Jack's listening skills (once again) seemed to have gone out the window. After a tuff morning of constant struggles over, movies, breakfast, and a surprising amount of those limp noodle tantrums on the floor. I put him in the tub to see if this would calm him down. While I went to go grab him some clean underwear and the baby lotion I hear, "Uh-oh, Jack-Jack go potty in tubbie." I was HOPING he had gone pee...but nope, I just wasn't that lucky. He had been stopped up for a few days so it wasn't just an easy clean up. I about died. I seriously just wanted to burn the house down, just so I didn't have to clean up the mess. He had of course dumped the entire bath toy box into the tub so that made things just a BIT more interesting as well...After I had cleaned the tub and re-bathed him I kinda just fell apart...and cried while I changed him into his clothes. Jack's been potty training and I've never had to deal with cleaning up any poop accidents because he HATES being messy. This was so unlike him, so I was a little bit frustrated and a lot a bit frazzled. Jack must have felt bad because he said, "sarny momma, Jack-Jack go poo-poo in potty". And proceeded to tell me 6 more times when he had to use the potty.

There are SO many more stories, probably about 5 a day so these are just a few of them. I just have to laugh sometimes because after he has done something naughty he will say, "Naunie Jack-Jack" and he always says "sarny momma" and gives me lots of hugs and kisses. He also must think I'm magic or something because after he breaks something or colors on a piece of furniture he will say, "Momma can fix it" and say "YAY momma!" After whats ever broken is fixed or whats ever is messy is cleaned. He definitely knows I'll love him know matter what though, what with the cheshire cat smile he throws my way after I've cleaned up (yet another) of his gigantic messes...

If anything, he is thorough..

 Pink tub
 Can you see the orange tint? Weeks after getting lathered in cheeto dust.
 My pretty wall..the light socket is still silver.