Our Little Baby :)
Well Surprise!...I'm having a baby :) and Chris and I couldn't be MORE excited!!! Baby is due approximately May 13Th, but we will see...babies have a way of coming at their own convenience. I am now in the beginning of my second trimester and what a sign of relief it was seeing our perfect little one in an ultra sound today! Baby was such a wiggly little one, just moving, and kicking, and stretching, and turning, and doing flips the whole time! It was so cute, when I started laughing it startled the little guy, Chris and my heart just melted!! In the picture above you can see how the little cutie turned its whole body away and just peaked a little glimpse in our direction, and every time the Dr went to take a picture baby would go from kicking and wiggling to this same position! Must be a shy little one :) It's hard to believe you can love such a small being more than anything in the world! Chris and I had lunch together after the appointment and we were just marveling about how the little one on the screen was OUR baby and that its tucked inside my belly safe and sound for us to watch over until we can hold him/her in our arms! Ahhhhhh! Can I just tell you how completely excited I am to be a mommy!!!??!! I CAN NOT believe that in little over 6 months I will be taking care of my newborn child!! It just blows my mind! Chris is the CUTEST daddy already, he takes such good care of me and is just as enthusiastic about all the planning involved with our first child as I am. I couldn't have asked for a better husband! He will make an AMAZING dad. My pregnancy has been very by the book this time, I had horrible morning sickness for 3 weeks, I have the sorest boobs in the world, crazy cravings, and I get to bed at around 8 o clock every night, because I am extra exhausted. Haha and I am alllllways hungry, but to my good fortune I only gained 2 1/2 pound my first trimester :))) It's funny at the beginning I lost wait then I gained weight and then I lost weight...so I'm curious to see what I will gain all together, though I am not too concerned. I've been reading so much about pregnancy this time and it's been so helpful to ease my mind and boost my confidence. The Dr said my blood pressure was really high my first few app ts, but it has steadily gone down. He said it was probably due to stress and anxiety so I've been trying really hard to keep my mind from worrying. I love this baby so much and I am so excited to watch him/her grow inside me. I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to carry my own child and I couldn't have asked for better circumstances. ( I actually prayed I would get really sick so I wouldn't worry so much) I really think this baby will be the most loved baby in the world, I am going to cherish every moment being pregnant and raising my child. I really couldn't ask for more, my life is so completely blessed!
Well Surprise!...I'm having a baby :) and Chris and I couldn't be MORE excited!!! Baby is due approximately May 13Th, but we will see...babies have a way of coming at their own convenience. I am now in the beginning of my second trimester and what a sign of relief it was seeing our perfect little one in an ultra sound today! Baby was such a wiggly little one, just moving, and kicking, and stretching, and turning, and doing flips the whole time! It was so cute, when I started laughing it startled the little guy, Chris and my heart just melted!! In the picture above you can see how the little cutie turned its whole body away and just peaked a little glimpse in our direction, and every time the Dr went to take a picture baby would go from kicking and wiggling to this same position! Must be a shy little one :) It's hard to believe you can love such a small being more than anything in the world! Chris and I had lunch together after the appointment and we were just marveling about how the little one on the screen was OUR baby and that its tucked inside my belly safe and sound for us to watch over until we can hold him/her in our arms! Ahhhhhh! Can I just tell you how completely excited I am to be a mommy!!!??!! I CAN NOT believe that in little over 6 months I will be taking care of my newborn child!! It just blows my mind! Chris is the CUTEST daddy already, he takes such good care of me and is just as enthusiastic about all the planning involved with our first child as I am. I couldn't have asked for a better husband! He will make an AMAZING dad. My pregnancy has been very by the book this time, I had horrible morning sickness for 3 weeks, I have the sorest boobs in the world, crazy cravings, and I get to bed at around 8 o clock every night, because I am extra exhausted. Haha and I am alllllways hungry, but to my good fortune I only gained 2 1/2 pound my first trimester :))) It's funny at the beginning I lost wait then I gained weight and then I lost weight...so I'm curious to see what I will gain all together, though I am not too concerned. I've been reading so much about pregnancy this time and it's been so helpful to ease my mind and boost my confidence. The Dr said my blood pressure was really high my first few app ts, but it has steadily gone down. He said it was probably due to stress and anxiety so I've been trying really hard to keep my mind from worrying. I love this baby so much and I am so excited to watch him/her grow inside me. I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to carry my own child and I couldn't have asked for better circumstances. ( I actually prayed I would get really sick so I wouldn't worry so much) I really think this baby will be the most loved baby in the world, I am going to cherish every moment being pregnant and raising my child. I really couldn't ask for more, my life is so completely blessed!