We've been having a lot of fun this summer :) I love being home with just my Jack boy during the day and Chris has a new schedule from 6-2:30 so he gets to spend a lot of time with us when he's not working his 2nd job or busy with his calling in Elder's Quorum. Chris has also been doing a "Biggest Loser" contest at work and has lost 13lbs, he's actually in 1st place right now and he plans to take me on a nice date with the money he would win! I'm really proud of all his hard work and I'm so grateful for how hard he works to provide for our family so I can stay home with our children. He's such a good guy and I'm kinda crazy about him :)
I've been able to keep up on housework a lot more lately and Chris and I have enjoyed spending most of our time at home playing with Jack or taking walks around the neighborhood with our "puppy" Sam. It's MUCH more enjoyable relaxing in a clean/tidy home then a messy one! Am I right? Though I've lacked on elaborate cooking, I promised Chris I'd get back to it this fall. I haven't been terribly hungry this pregnancy and I have only had waves of feeling starving and I'm pretty sure these times were during growth spurts of the baby because I swear I wake up some morning and my belly has doubled in size. I'm now 27 Weeks!! I only have 1 week left until I'm in the 3rd trimester and I CAN NOT believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone so far! 13 Weeks left, I can do this :) I actually feel great now, besides being tired a lot of the time and constant acid reflux this baby has been treating me pretty well. Jack has been getting up in the night all of a sudden because he either has to use the bathroom or is "scared of firetrucks" by "firetrucks" he means fireworks. He is TERRIFIED of fireworks and even since seeing/hearing them on the 4th of july he jumps at any load noise after it gets dark and he asks me over and over again, "Firetrucks all gone?". It makes me so sad :( I hate seeing him so troubled. Jack definitely knows something coming though, he's been so cuddly and clingy with me and is always asking, "momma hold you?" I don't mind at all but I do worry about what it will be like when brother arrives. I hope I transition into being a mother of two easily and that Jack loves his little brother from the beginning. I guess we will see!
Chris starts school back up Aug 21st, he decided he wanted to finish the last two classes he needs at SLCC for his Associates and will get to graduate in the Spring :) The Army signed a contract to pay for all of Chris' past and future schooling and I'm proud of him that he decided he wanted to finish. He plans to start at the U next fall and will only have about a year and a half to complete his Bachelors after that. I've always wanted Chris to have a degree because of the security it can have, but it is so wonderful he decided this for himself and is planning a great future for our family. He is excelling at his job at Hill Airforce Base and LOVES it there. He plans to make a career there and finishing school will only help him.
I'm really happy, I feel like I'm living my dream being home with my babies and I have been working on LOTS of sewing crafts lately. Can I just say EVERYONE needs to learn to sew!! It is such a versatile skill and I can see how much it has blessed my family, not only with beautiful quilts and burp cloths for my babies, but also being able mend our cloths and do alterations. I have fixed 4 pairs of jeans this month alone between Chris, my dad, and myself. I have even made a pair of maternity jeans into shorts so I can survive this hot summer. I'm so happy I know how to sew and continue to learn more and more with every project I tackle.
We were able to spend some fun family time with my two sisters earlier this month when my sister Ashlee and her family came in to town. Jack and his cousin Wesley are pretty funny to watch play and baby Owen is THE cutest little baby boy! It was so nice being with both my sisters and I can't wait to see them next time they come into town.
We are going on a little vacation the first week of August! We are driving to Mesquite and spending the weekend at one of their family friendly casino's! We plan to eat at the buffet, swim, go bowling at their bowling alley, and play in their arcade. We are REALLY excited! My mom and dad are meeting us there and hopefully my sister Heather and her husband Kyle as well. It will be a MUCH needed get away to celebrate our family while it's still just the three of us.
I'm still in Scouts, but they take off for the month of July so it's been a nice break. I still am on an activity committee in my church ward called "Daybreak" and I've planned a fun water party this Thurs for all the kids. I love the ladies in my ward. We get together on a regular basis for play dates at the park and we all are going to Discovery Gateway this Friday. So nice having great neighbors and friends close by.
That's life right now! I don't like how the heat makes my feet and hands swell, but I'm trying to enjoy every minute I have while I'm still just a mom of ONE. This fall is going to be a little hectic but we have worked out a game plan to make it so our family time together doesn't suffer and daddy gets a break. I love my boys so much! Can't even explain how amazing and blessed I feel to have Chris as my husband and father of our children. He is the best partner I could ever imagine having throughout the eternity's and I look forward to celebrating our 5 year anniversary in two months! I also LOVE being Jack's mom and can't wait to give him his brother.