Our little Benjamin was born October 3rd at 5:05am. He weighed a whopping 8lbs 6.4oz and was 20inches long! Can't believe I carried such a BIG baby!
Lead up to Delivery:
I went in for my 38 week doctors appointment October 2nd and It was decided that they would induce me that night. I had already been in early labor for a week and was dilated to 5cm and 80% effaced. I have a really awesome doctor and he felt it was time to move the rest of my labor along. I was in a little bit of shock when the nurse came in and said, "Okay, looks like your having a baby tonight!" Chris and I headed home to pack the rest of my suitcase, made a quick stop at sonic for lime-aids and we arrived at Jordan Valley Hospital at around 7:00pm. They started my IV fairly quickly and I was hooked up to antibiotics first because I was Strep B positive. They then started my pitocin and the nurse was surprised that my contractions were already 2 minutes apart, she ended up turning my pit down because they then became 1 minute apart and I hadn't had an epidural yet. The Doctor came and broke my water around Midnight and things then started picking up after that. My first epidural didn't work and I was able to feel my legs again so the nurse ordered another epidural to be placed. My contractions were horrendous. I was in transition at the time and went from 6cm to 9cm in less than 15 minutes. Once the second epidural was placed I was able to relax and dilate the last cm. I definitely was able to tell when I could push because the pressure was insane. I began pushing and it was found that Ben was posterior so my doctor had to flip him. The problem was that Ben's shoulder was stuck behind my pubic bone and my doctor was having a lot of trouble getting him to turn. He had me bunch up really tight and he pushed hard on my stomach at the same time I pushed. It ended up making me puke a few times, but my doctor stressed how important it was to get him out RIGHT AWAY so I toughed it out and gave it my all. (Later he explained that he hadn't had that scary of a delivery in a long time. He said I almost either needed to have an emergency C-section or Ben's should could have dislocated! My doctor says I'm just not built for that large of a baby!) Ben finally arrived and was completely white and not making a sound. The nurses poked and prodded him for a while...Like and hour I swear. It was really upsetting but then I finally got to hold him and they assured me he was going to be okay. It was really scary at the end but all in all he arrived safely and that is all that matters. Labor total was 9 hours with 20 minutes of pushing. Not to shabby.
Ben is an absolute JOY! I love knowing what I'm doing and feeling confident in taking care of him. He's an excellent nurser and when he's not going through a growth spurt an excellent sleeper as well. We've been blessed with a beautiful little guy whom we all adore, including Jack! Jack is constantly giving Benjamin kisses and hugs and saying "Awwwwww baby Ben's so cute!" whenever he is near him. I sure love my boys! I have learned to let everything else wait and have really been enjoying snuggling my little newborn. He is really funny, he has so many squawky squeaky noises and is quite the grunter and stretcher. He has two sweet little dimples and has been a big blessing to our family. I am very in love.