Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby Update!

New--er News! At my Dr. Appt today I was showing no real signs of progression. My Protein level is a lot higher and my B/P is staying very high. With all my symptoms seeming to get worse instead of stabilizing The Dr. assured me that I wouldn't get past 36 weeks :( It really made me sad, I know bed rest is no fun, and verrrry boring, but having a little tinnny Jack makes me very nervous. Dr. Watts says my body is like a ticking bomb and nobody knows exactly how long the fuse is. I realllly reallly hope little Jack can stay put for 3 1/2 more weeks! I see him again on Thursday to see how fast symptoms progress, but I'm just praying I can stay home on bed rest and not have to be admitted into the hospital. He said if I was 35/36 weeks right now they would just induce me right away. Little Jack you need to cook a little' longer! April 15th I'm 36 weeks let's hope he won't make an appearance before then! Love you all, I'll be in my bed around the clock until I'm told differently :)

<3 B

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's just the beginning

Wow...This week has been truly CRAZY...full of so many unexpected trials and humbling experiences. It's funny how my life has begun moving at a "take-it or leave-it" pace these days. I feel like I never have enough time to stew over a decision and I have almost stopped replaying every aspect of my day over and over again in my head. At the end of the day I just feel lucky to have gotten through it all. I'm the type of person who ALWAYS has a, "plan" and a "list." I'm beyond OCD and I have severe anxiety issues. Having a "plan" and a "list" seems to be the only way to get me through this life. Until Recently. How can you have a plan or check off items on your list when life just starts HAPPENING. I mean never have I felt so out of control of everything around me, I feel as if keeping up my daily "cray cray," as one of my co-workers call it would only make me disappointed with myself. (he thinks I'm a little loopy, what with my hundreds of lists and how I balance my check book at least 10 times a numbers change or something? haha)

Anyways. I feel like I'm constantly growing up. Realizing there is only so much I can control and that I can't save the world. For example, I used to run around at work like a chicken with it's head chopped off trying to take care of every aspect of the day. I knew that if I did it, it would get done right. So I bore the weight on my shoulders and practically consumed myself in my job. Then...I got pregnant. I found myself tiring easily, becoming forgetful, not to mention throwing up at least 3 times during my shift. I felt as if I couldn't control myself anymore. I wasn't the smart, lively, energetic, go-to girl that everybody counted on. I basically just felt stupid and not myself. Thankfully I have a wonderful boss who says things like, "Things happen" which I totallllly over analyze, but I think the light bulb has finally gone on and I can learn to take things with a grain of salt. I can't always control my circumstances and I can't beat my self up for it. On a happy note, I got a raise Monday the day I was checked into the hospital...ironic and what a blessing!

This crazy week started like this....last Tuesday I worked an extremely crazy long shift. (For an 8 month pregnant woman at least) 8:45-7:30. It was just a REALLY busy day, the kind of day where you don't even have time to breath, let alone take a break. We were understaffed and I agreed to work a full day (with no lunch). I must have REALLY worn myself out because the next day I slept in until 1 in the afternoon. I physically COULDN'T get out of bed. My entire body just ached and I was puffy from head to toe. My grandma advised me to take my B/P at one of the grocery store pharmacy's and I was shocked to see it was very high for me: 147/89 my typical B/P is around 118/60. I called my Dr just to see if it was anything to be worried about and he had me come in right away.

They had me do the urine test and found high traces of protein in my urine, my blood pressure reading at the Dr's office was 150/85 and I had gained 5 pounds in two days (I had just seem him 2 days earlier for my regular office visit.) Dr Watts seemed very concerned and had me admitted to St Marks for some labs and tests that night. I was there for around 8 hours. They were able to stabilize my B/P, but only if I was laying down. They had me do a 24 hour urine collection and my protein levels were still pretty high, 225 Mg. 300 Mg means preeclampsia. Luckily my kidney's and liver hadn't been affected and I was able to go home. I had a follow up appt with Dr Watts Monday the 14th and that didn't prove to pleasing either. My B/P was at 157/98, my protein levels had already risen in just a few days, I was having TERRIBLE headaches, kidney pain, I was starting to get blurred vision and was seeing spots. The thing that scared me the most was that Dr Watts said once or if my B/P rose to 160/110 he would induce me immediately. He is a really good Dr though and made me feel calm and I knew was in good hands. He had me admitted to the hospital that evening for 36 hours (which turned into about 28) They ran all sorts of tests, took tons of blood, had regular B/P readings, and gave me 2 VERY painful steroid shots to develop Jack's lungs. I felt safe though and I surprising didn't stress. This was out of my control and I just had to do the best I could to stay calm and collected for mine and my little one's health. The Dr came and saw me off and ordered STRICT bed rest, basically I can't move from my bed unless I have to use the restroom...He said he was sure with discipline and regular visits that we could Jack to 36,37 weeks! BIG relief. So here I am NOT stressing at home in my bed for 5 more weeks. In the Dr's words, "It will be interesting to see how these next few weeks play out PIH is very unpredictable, and serious. Needs be, you will be re-admitted or induced if any of your symptoms worsen. Take it easy and I will see you every week from now until the baby is born."

Chris and I are blessed, with the steroid shots I was given all Jack's organs with be fully developed and if(when) he comes early he will be totally healthy and completely fine. Dr Watts said at worst he will be in the NICU for a little while, but we will still get to take home a healthy beautiful baby. I am so happy that things are looking up and my ONLY job right now is to take it easy, STAY in bed, and continue to cook my little guy for as long as possible. We have been blessed with a WONDERFUL supportive family who are doing everything they can to ease our burdens. They have set up an arrangement to bring dinners M-F and I am so grateful for the company and time they spend with me as well. I had tons of visitors at the hospital and I've known since the beginning that me and Chris are not it this alone. Baby Jack is soooo loved and so am I. Love you ALL. I will keep you posted :)

<3 B

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 3: Chicken Curry

Day 3:

WOW! I'm only onto my third day of cooking and I've decided I LOOOVE cooking the satisfaction from trying a new recipe is ALMOST as fulling as sewing is, and (for me) that's saying A LOT!

Today I tried a HARD hard recipe, Chicken Curry. It took me nearly 2 1/2 hours from beginning to on-the-table to cook this meal. I told Chris I was making, "waffles" because I wanted to surprise him with my skills. He was surprised, and his reaction was perfect. I was beaming while he ate. Every Mmmmm and Yummm sound he made made my heart happier and happier. I recommend trying this recipe when (like me) you have no deadline and have all the time in the world.

Ingredients and Instructions:

6T butter
1 Onion diced
1 glove garlic diced
In separate bowl combine 6T flour, 1 tsp ginger, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tsp curry powder
Add to rue (if a little lumpy no big deal, it will smooth itself out in the end...I say this because I freaked out a little')
Then add
1 Cup chicken broth
2 Cups milk
1/2 Cup coconut milk (yes coconut milk is suppose to be that thick, I was surprised too)
3 cups diced COOKED chicken breast

Serve over steamed rice with the condiments of your choosing. We like hard boiled eggs, cooked bacon bits, and cashews. (The condiments is what took me so long, I had to cook the bacon, make the sauce, and boil the eggs all at the same time.)

You can also add some yummy rolls as a side or if your cheap like me some sliced white bread :)

This Meal was DELICIOUS probably one of the best meals I've EVER made, I HIGHLY recommend it!
Chicken Curry

Day 2: Home made corn chowder and corn bread

Day 2:
So for day 2 of my cooking extravaganza I decided to be a little more daring. Corn Chowder: not that its hard to make, just that all the MANY ingredients kinda make me nervous...

It turned out GREAT! VERY delicious and so easy! Just throw it in the crock-pot! Here is the recipe :) The pictures I took were a bust :( accidentally left my memory card in the laptop and they are saved on the ACTUAL camera (don't really know how to take them off..)

1 can cream of potato
2 cans cream of chicken
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 can corn
1 diced COOKED chicken breast
1/4 cup dicded red pepper
1 cup diced celery
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt

Here is the BEST part...Ready? Add all ingrediants to crock-pot and cook on low for 4 hours and serve! HA! Whats better than that?

I served mine with yummy cake-corn-bread.

You just take a yellow cake mix and all its ingrediants and a box of corn bread and all its ingrediants, add them together and heat at the temperature in the middle of the two. Makes for some sweeeet corn bread!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 Day Cooking Challege

I have decided to start a challenge to improve myself as a wife and mother-to-be. I am going to learn to cook 30 new meals this month and share my experiences with all of you! My sister Heather made a Meal chart for the month of March and I copied it with only a few minor changes. Thanks Heather! I'm so excited to get into the groove of cooking! We have also started $20 date nights which we go on every Friday night, so with Friday's as an exception I will be cooking every evening :)

Day 1 Chicken Pillows:Brought to you by Heather Hall, Cooked for you by Brittany Kenner

I found this to be a fairly simple, very easy recipe (very comforting for the first day!)


3 cans croissant rolls ($4.50)

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts ($3.00)

1 package cream cheese ($1.50)

1/2 a stick melted butter (.50)

3 slices bread made into bread crumbs ($1.00)

T0tal Price for meal: $10.50 and serves 12!!!

Just Follow these 10 easy steps!

Step 1: Boil your two chicken breast until insides are no longer pink.
Step 2: Shred chicken breast in medium size bowl.
Step 3: Melt cream cheese at 30 second intervals and add to chicken.
Step 4: Mix cream cheese and shredded chicken until a creamy filling is made.
Step 5: Lay out croissant rolls so two are sticking together making a rectangle.
Step 6: Add filling to the center of the croissant rectangle and fold towards center, making a little pillow. Crease side with your fingers.
Step 7: Place pillows on non- greased baking sheet
Step 8: Spread melted butter over each Chicken pillow and sprinkle bread crumbs over the top.
Step 9: Bake Chicken pillows at 350* for 10-15 minutes (depending on your oven, mine cooks almost too fast!)
Step 10: Serve with rice and vegetable (or no vegetable) of your choice :)

Chris is in LOVE with this recipe, made me so proud :)
We have at least 3 days worth of left-overs!