Monday, November 8, 2010

Gender Anxieties

I find out the sex of my little baby in 5 days...5!!! I don't think I've ever been so anxious in my life. I'm wondering if not finding out would cure this crazy rage of anxiety that has just begun? Who knows...because I WANT to know...but at the same time I DON'T want to know. Did any of you mothers out their feel this way. I feel like I'm over reacting, but I'm kind of scared to know, because it makes everything all too real and I'm getting nervous for motherhood. I know every mother-to-be has her apprehensions, but are you suppose to be this nervous? Honestly, I have NO preference of what im having...(I thought I would) but turns out I don't. My thoughts. Girls scare me, I was a heathen child and was always getting into trouble and breaking bones left and right from my sheer confidence and curiosity. So that is what I know to be a little girl by my own childhood example, I think I would have a girly-girl/tom boy who wears dresses and sparkly shoes, but prefers to play in the mud and eat bugs (just like I did)...SCARY!! (How did my mother raise me, she is so patient.) Boys...are more familiar to me, but also completely unpredictable. I nannied for 5 terrors under the age of 7 two summers ago. I thought I was going to tear my hair out...The 5 terrors were ALL boys and had energy to power a small power plant. As an understatement I was never bored. So finding out the gender would be a way to "prepare" myself, but how do you really prepare yourself for parenthood? I think it's more learn as you go. I'm very excited for Chris and my new adventure and I can't believe we only have 6 months left! I know this is what heavenly father wants for us and we have been wanting a baby for 2 years, it's just funny how they come when your not trying or expecting it anymore.

So what do I think baby is?

While many of you have told me I'm having a girl, I assure you...I'm having a boy :) I just "feel" like I am, but mother's intuition has not always been accurate I'm we will just have to wait and see. If baby is cooperating we all should know in 5 days!!!


Andie said...

I was convinced Alyssa was a boy.... and that Jonathon was a girl... But I have to say I was super sick with all my girls and not so much with Jonathon, Plus my cravings were different. Lots of fruit for the girls and chili dogs, and with Jonathon I LOVED shrimp!
No matter which sex it is the baby will be perfect! No worries it is ALL good!

Unknown said...

I think you're having a boy!

Melinda said...

There's really no way to know what it is until the official peek. My pregnancies were all different (the cravings, amount of sickness, how big I got) and I got 4 boys. Whatever you get it will be a blessing to you and Chris. And don't worry, everyone gets nervous about being a parent. Everything will be just fine.

The Halls said...


Dana Ewell said...

very accurate! Girly-girl, tomboy, dress-wearing, bug-eating, accident prone little sweetheart!
Love yo (patient) momma!

Phil and Ashlee said...

I think all the broken bones had more to do with your daring and disobedient side rather than from confidence lol. You would get on/ jump off of anything we told you not to :) I think you are having a GIRL. I can't wait to find out. And Wes is getting so excited to meet his cousin.

Brittany (B) Michelle Kenner said...

Mom: It's good to know you loved my crazy quirks growning up :) I told Chris a few days ago that I ate bugs when I was a little girl. His respose, "Yep, sounds about right." HAHA.

Heather: I don't know if I can trust yours OR my judgement when it comes to guessing the gender..we were BOTH wrong when it came to Wesley.

Ashlee: Ya your right, I was just a trouble maker!! And I do go back and forth on whether I think the baby is a boy or a girl...I honestly don't really know

Melinda: It's funny you say that cause I've seen so many examples of women having the same sex babies but polar opposite pregnancies. Like everybody including myself was convinced Jessica was having a girl, not only because she said she was smaller, but she felt different, and craved different things. I guess babies have a way of playing tricks on you to keep you guessing.

Shayla: Thanks for being on my side you rock!!! P.s did you have a feeling Abrielle was a girl?

Andrea: I'm getting anxious cause when you say that I think well..if I THINK I'm having a boy than maybe im having a girl. But if I think that then maybe it really is a boy..hhahah I just need to suck it up and wait out these next two days!!! I will know soon enough.