Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Working in a financial institution

I love my job at US Bank. I have developed more as a person and career wise then I ever have with any other position I've held and I genuinly love my customers. Now that I've worked at the same location for 2 years now I know just about every customer by name and have true interest in their lives. I love chatting with them about their new babies, recent christmas adventures, and hearing all the good news they have pouring into their lives. I love how much my job has influenced Chris and my budget and learning good money managment skills from my banking expierience. I love my co-workers ( or lack there of ) and I have an amazing/understanding boss. I am honestly content and happy with my future within this great company.

The sad parts cut like a knife though...:(
Being yelled at for someone's negligence to their accounts and life troubles is no bueno. Trying to explain how you can help them and it not being enough is no bueno. Physically hurting inside and wanting to help someone so badly, but not being able to, is no bueno. Today I actually prayed someone's line of credit would go through because I wanted the bank to be able to help them so bad. You come into contact with somemany people in need while working for a bank and it really opens your eyes to how lucky you truly are. I just want to help anybody and everybody I can it just sucks that there are limitations.


Andie said...

You my dear have a HUGE heart THAT is hard to find. You feel geniune and suncerely for others again a trait not easy to find.

Brittany (B) Michelle Kenner said...

Your too sweet Andrea!