Friday, February 18, 2011

It's a boy! Baby shower hosted by the Ewell ladies and Grandma Hughes :)

I had been looking forward to my Thursday baby shower for months! My sister Ashlee flew in from Texas to help host it and everyone did such an amazing job! I felt like a queen, both my sisters over-did themselves with the cutest decorations, invitations, and my grandma and mommy made enough yummy food to feed the neighborhood. I was so pleased with all the love and support I received! Presentation is very important I've learned growing up near Hughes' and let me just say my Grandma Hughes KNOWS how to throw a party! Her house is beautiful and she sets things up better than Martha Stuart! I am so lucky to have her as a part of my family and also as my Best Friend! My mommy is the prettiest, sweetest, most giving person I know. I love her smile and she brings such a positive presence into any room. I am so glad Jack gets to have her as a grandma :)
As my auntie Tina was leaving for the night she looked at the pile of presents, then to all my friends who I was chatting with, and then to me and said, "Do you think your loved?!" She was correct! Hard to explain how much generosity and good company there was flowing in all night.

I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who came and supported me and my little boy on the way, I am so thrilled with all the generous gifts I received and can't wait to dress little Jack in all the cute clothes hung up in his closet. What a PERFECT evening it was :)
P.S I counted and there was nearly 40 people who supported
The Cute banner my sister Heather made (I swear Heather was there, I just failed to get any pictures taken with her!)
My mommies famous sugar cookies

My party favors they say, "Congradulations on your little peanut."
That white chocolate popcorn Kim made was to DIE for!

Ashlee's little extra touches

The cute plates and napkins my Grandma picked out

The spread :)

My grandma has a little, "Martha" in her

Holding our adorable party favors made by my sister Ashlee
That's the amazing Grandma Hughes in the middle!

Me and my Mommy

The amazing grandparents!

Me and my papa, he's always making me laugh!

Me and my Grandpa Hughes

Pretty Ash and little Wesley

Me and Kim "The popcorn maker" but also my moms forever friend

Auntie Tina, Me, and Auntie Mindy

haha, eating..



The damage...haha Chris had a to make several trips to fit everything into Jack's room!

1 comment:

Phil and Ashlee said...

It was such a great party. so glad so many people came and supported. Love you lots sista