Thursday, February 10, 2011

Operation: Getting the pets fixed!

Have you ever had to experience a cat in heat?? The CONSTANT howling, and rolling around on the ground? The crazed look in their eyes and the excessive neediness? Have you ever had about half a dozen Tom cats on your back porch making sounds as if they are going to DIE if they don't get with your little "slice" of a female? HAHAH well here at the Kenner house we have experienced this allllll too many times! Luckily as of yesterday we shouldn't have any strange cats coming through our doggy door at night and no more restless nights caused by miss Chloe pacing through the house.

Chloe is OFFICIALLY fixed! And OFFICIALLY pissed off! I don't think I've received crustier looks than from my kitty these past two days. She also has to be kept indoors for a week and is being a monster! We have been keeping her in the laundry room because she just sits and scratches at the back door least we got this all over with before our baby arrived (THAT would have been a nightmare!)

On the other hand....We decided to just go ahead and get Maddie our 5 pound pathetic little puppy fixed at the same time...oh dear! She is probably the saddest looking living thing you have ever seen right now! When we dropped her off she looked completely TERRIFED! She was shaking and they had to pry her out of my arms. She didn't understand why we were dropping her and her sister off in this strange place, Chloe just looked grouchy while she honestly looked like she was going to cry if that is even possible. (I'm a wimp I started bawling as soon as I backed out of the parking lot, I guess I just felt kind of guilty on top of all the pregnancy hormones.)I picked her up as soon as the vet said she was awake enough to move and her sweet little face just made me melt! Her eyes were all squinty from the anesthesia and she just about jumped a foot into my arms. In the car she was acting so funny she was trying to burrow deeper and deeper into my jacket and wouldn't let me put her down for the rest of Wednesday night. Every time I got up from the couch to go to the bathroom or fix a snack she HAD to follow me and she was still so wobbly that she kind of would walk sideways and had to stop and catch her balance a few times. I ended up just carrying her around the house the entire night and she was just passed out in my arms the whole time. So sad :( We made a little bed up for her on the ground because the doctor said she can't jump or do too much strenuous exercises for the next week. (Poor little thing can barely get the strength to go through the doggy door)Well, all night she made these heartbreaking little whippers cause I'm sure her little tummy just kills. We were able to give her some pain medication this morning and she seems to be perking up. I sure love that little pup! We have had her in our family for longer than we have been married! She has just always been there to make our day and she is so loving. When Chris got home from class last night she wouldn't stop wagging her tail and gave him about a million kisses! It's funny how much a pet can be part of the family :) I just wish Miss Chloe wasn't such a complete grouch!

1 comment:

Ky and Cam said...

i cried too after i dropped of baxter to get fixed!
the look they give you killllls you!