Hello Family and Friends...and neighbors, and lady I just met on the street, and mailman, and past co-workers, and dog that lives next door. Hi.How.Are ya? Yes, yes I'm fine. How old is my son? He's 20 weeks. How many kids do I want? A million. (Insert crazy laughter here) No. no. I'm serious, notice how I'm NOT laughing...
Am I a perfect mother? Ha! HEEEELL no! (Please excuse my temporarily foul mouth, there really was no other word to fully get across my feelings on the situation.) I mean...just yesterday I was that lady at Target with the little baby wearing no pants, with only a T-shirt and Blue leopard socks on. Yes, that was me :) But I love my Jack and I will always make sure that he never goes without food, clothes (he WAS wearing a shirt at least...), and most importantly love. I know Jack will NEVER feel unloved, yes I'm a goof and make up a song for every occurrence of the day.
Example, "Bugger snatcher, bugger snatcher, he's coming to eat your buggers!" and my children might sometimes not want to be seen in public with me, and I sometimes have to leave the house ALONE for a few hours to prevent myself from going crazy...Again. BUT I love this life I was given, I love the craziness, the perpetual routine, the never-ending piles of laundry, the spit-up, the poop, the changing of outfits 5 times a day, the mummy tummy, the lack of sleep, etc..There is so many GOOD/GREAT/AMAZING things about raising a child that even the stinky things like poopy diapers doesn't make the "Bad List". Because in my book there really ISN'T a "Bad List", the GOOD/GREAT/AMAZING things out way the temporarily unpleasant things SOOOOO MUCH that the thought doesn't even begin to cross my mind as being "bad."
Next. I wish I could freeze time to the moments of complete and utter joy when I'm holding my son, watching him take in the world with his bright blue eyes, nothing else really mattering. You know, those moments were his smiles and cuddles melt your worries about the day passing you by, "Because you know you hold tomorrow tightly in your arms." Motherhood/parenthood is the greatest thing God gave us and the best mother I know is my sister Heather. She has 5 boys and 7 girls. She is the BEST example of what a mother should be and continues to teach me everyday what kind of woman/mother I need to strive to become. She is a mother to us all, I love you sis. And all your nieces and nephews LOVE you!
Back the beginning. How many kids do I want? A million. What's my plan? I don't have one. When do I want my next child? Yesterday.
So the next time a crazy stranger (or co-worker or family member) says I'm "waisting my adolescence" (and I quote!) on being a young married mother, you and myself will know where I stand :)
Oh! And for the record I bought Jack some pants :)