Friday, August 19, 2011

My Husband

I don't know all the sweet things YOUR husband does for you, but let me tell you a little bit about MY husband and all the reasons why I'm the luckiest. First of all, he would do anything for really when I say that I mean honestly NO MATTER WHAT, my Christopher would move mountains just to make me laugh or smile. He makes me feel like everything I do is perfect. If I do the simplest tasks like the dishes, fold laundry, or have dinner ready for him when he gets home he does everything he can to make me feel like the "perfect wife." Who knew just taking pride in your home could make you feel like a super-hero? Chris is a hard worker, he has worked at a job he absolutely hates for over 3 years now to support our family and get him self through school. He is so close to the next chapter of his degree and I am so very proud of him. I love knowing I can count on him to "get the job done." No matter what the task is I know my honey can do it, and it's nice to know Jack and I will never go without, because we have the husband and dad we need.

Chris can make me laugh, and laugh, and laugh-and laugh-and laugh! I LOVE that we can be complete airheads together and that he loves all my quirks and me his :) I once (actually I ask him it all the time, cause I still don't know how i got so lucky to be his forever!) asked Chris, "Why did you pick me?" his response, "Because you needed me." I'm sure I gave him a disappointed look because he backed up and said, " No Brittany you REALLY needed me." He said I was the first person in his life to make him feel truly loved and needed. He said it's hard to love someone when you feel completely at their mercy and that when he met me he KNEW I was his lady because we "bended in the wind together." We were able to compliment each other in ways we never imagined. What I lacked he gained, vise-versa. It was like we were made for each other. And I truly believe that. Some people don't belive in sole-mates, and maybe I never used to either. But, Chris broke all rules and I have learned to believe other-wise.

Last, Chris makes me feel beautiful, truly one of a kind. Us women are all hard on ourselves...way way way too hard. And you'd think that because I realize that I wouldn't be hard on myself right? Wrong! Yes, yes I just had a baby and those extra 20 pounds won't just fall off right away, but they are still there...But how is it that despite all this Chris can truly make me feel sexy and he can sometimes even if it's just for half a second make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. I think that's because when you are loved without vain and when someone puts every effort possible into loving you, you are the most beautiful person in the world, because you are to them. And that is how Chris makes me feel :)

This song describes EXACTLY to a T our life together. From the me wearing nothing but his t-shirt to the extra 5 or so pounds I don't want him to notice. We have shared so much together the past nearly 3 years and I want him to know how loved he is. Thanks for always making me feel beautiful Chris, Inside and out. This song was written for us, I just KNOW it :)

Oh- and know matter what grade you get on your math test I'm proud of you honey, and will support you through anything you take on. Just know that.


kennerfam said...

It was truly a miraculous day that you came into my son's life!! I love you:) Mama Kenner

kennerfam said...

PS that video would have been better if they had not used the "slim beautiful" girls but a more "real girl" :)

The Halls said...

I love you Britt. I'm so happy Chris is all that to you. You deserve the world. xoxo

Victoria said...

Awwww :)

Jessica said...

He BETTER be good to you, or I'll pound him! ;)

I'm so glad that you guys are happy.

the holmans said...

We love you and chris, he is so good for you. He builds you up. That is the way love should work isn't it? I can see what an amazing mother and wife you have become with that confidence he has given you! Brett has always made me feel like the prize, like he is the luckiest guy in the world to have me, and I can see that Chris feels like you are the prize.

kiss Jack

dana ewell said...

It's quite a revelation to realize how truly lucky you both are: and to always keep that knowledge fresh in your heart. We love Chris too. And we love you Britt. What a sweet tribute to your husband!

Kiss the boys for me!
Peace and love!
Yo Momma