And it's not that she's always calling me or I stalk her or something. It's just that we have this mother daughter relationship with understanding, give, take, and compromise that I am so grateful for. Neither one of us has to "work" at our relationship it just comes naturally (like it should, I guess). She comes over twice a week for lunch and I go over a few times during the week/weekend. She's my best friend, and I think she's at least 5 other women's best friends. She's probably THE best friend and definitely THE best Mom in the world. We occasionally' disagree, but a grudge? ha! What's that when it comes to us? It's so nice having someone who is COMPLETELY un-judgmental and who loves you COMPLETELY unconditionally, (just like Heavenly Father.) And someone you know you can be open with and have your whole world not fall apart if you disagree. We always know what is going on in each others daily lives and we never fall out of touch. It's cool too cause she has that EXTRA maternal instinct and somehow KNOWS when something is wrong or not right in my life. I'm sad for those who aren't close to their moms :( Also, she has always been my biggest supporter and closest ally & though sometimes I can sense she doesn't agree with some of my decisions she is definitely always the one cheering me on. She is the most forgiving, accepting, and loving person I know. Everyone was given the one woman on this earth that could be the best mom to THEM. I can't believe God pick Dana Marie to be mine, my mother forever. I must have done something right :) I just hope I can be a good enough mom to Jack so he actually WANTS to stay close to me when he is grown. I know I will ALWAYS want to stay close to my mother because she is just that amazing. The best part is she is this amazing with EVERYONE! She has just as good of relationship with all my sisters, her mom, my dad, her friends...I can brag because this is really ALL true.
I'm so glad Jack gets to know her too. When he sees her he lights up and gives her the most genuine smile. He likes to play with her hair, jabber to her, and stroke her face. Almost as if he's saying, " Your so pretty Grandma" and "I Love You Grandma."
I see some of her in me & I know I've inherited just a sliver of her wonderful traits and for that I am MOST grateful. I know with them I can be the best mom possible to Jack & my future children. I am the luckiest, I've had the best example of a mom first hand and I get to have her in my life everyday.
At graduation
At the Day's of 47 Rodeo
(Obviously) my 20th birthday!
Getting ready to jump out of an airplane with Chris and I for our 1 year anniversary 2009!
Thanksgiving 2009.

Snowmobile trip 2010 (pregnant with Jack).
Jack's Baby Shower
Holding my hand during labor
Visiting Jack in the NICU during a lunch break.
Halloween 2011