Our little Benjamin was born October 3rd at 5:05am. He weighed a whopping 8lbs 6.4oz and was 20inches long! Can't believe I carried such a BIG baby!
Lead up to Delivery:
I went in for my 38 week doctors appointment October 2nd and It was decided that they would induce me that night. I had already been in early labor for a week and was dilated to 5cm and 80% effaced. I have a really awesome doctor and he felt it was time to move the rest of my labor along. I was in a little bit of shock when the nurse came in and said, "Okay, looks like your having a baby tonight!" Chris and I headed home to pack the rest of my suitcase, made a quick stop at sonic for lime-aids and we arrived at Jordan Valley Hospital at around 7:00pm. They started my IV fairly quickly and I was hooked up to antibiotics first because I was Strep B positive. They then started my pitocin and the nurse was surprised that my contractions were already 2 minutes apart, she ended up turning my pit down because they then became 1 minute apart and I hadn't had an epidural yet. The Doctor came and broke my water around Midnight and things then started picking up after that. My first epidural didn't work and I was able to feel my legs again so the nurse ordered another epidural to be placed. My contractions were horrendous. I was in transition at the time and went from 6cm to 9cm in less than 15 minutes. Once the second epidural was placed I was able to relax and dilate the last cm. I definitely was able to tell when I could push because the pressure was insane. I began pushing and it was found that Ben was posterior so my doctor had to flip him. The problem was that Ben's shoulder was stuck behind my pubic bone and my doctor was having a lot of trouble getting him to turn. He had me bunch up really tight and he pushed hard on my stomach at the same time I pushed. It ended up making me puke a few times, but my doctor stressed how important it was to get him out RIGHT AWAY so I toughed it out and gave it my all. (Later he explained that he hadn't had that scary of a delivery in a long time. He said I almost either needed to have an emergency C-section or Ben's should could have dislocated! My doctor says I'm just not built for that large of a baby!) Ben finally arrived and was completely white and not making a sound. The nurses poked and prodded him for a while...Like and hour I swear. It was really upsetting but then I finally got to hold him and they assured me he was going to be okay. It was really scary at the end but all in all he arrived safely and that is all that matters. Labor total was 9 hours with 20 minutes of pushing. Not to shabby.
Ben is an absolute JOY! I love knowing what I'm doing and feeling confident in taking care of him. He's an excellent nurser and when he's not going through a growth spurt an excellent sleeper as well. We've been blessed with a beautiful little guy whom we all adore, including Jack! Jack is constantly giving Benjamin kisses and hugs and saying "Awwwwww baby Ben's so cute!" whenever he is near him. I sure love my boys! I have learned to let everything else wait and have really been enjoying snuggling my little newborn. He is really funny, he has so many squawky squeaky noises and is quite the grunter and stretcher. He has two sweet little dimples and has been a big blessing to our family. I am very in love.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Like Father, Like Son: Potty Training
The transition from diapers to potty training was very simple and easy for Jack. He's always been SUPER worried about being messy and he hated when his diapers were even a tiny but soiled. He would come up to me & say "Eww momma I poo poo" & want me to immediately stop what I was doing and change him, pronto! After we begun the process he finally got to the point where he was telling us when he needed to go "potty" and sleeping through his naps and the night with no accidents. He had a streak of two whole weeks with no accidents & I finally wasn't holding my breath anymore and was declaring him "potty trained." Well that is until he started to regress and have accidents one after the other. He would be playing and just go in his pants because he didn't want to stop, then on his own grab some new underwear and pants from his drawer (because he would never sit in his pee let alone poop for one second) & ask me to help him put them on. And if he had a poop accident he would ask me to give him a "tubby" right away then go back to playing. It took me a week to catch on to his laziness, but I finally started trying to put a stop to it. Every time I would try to talk to him about why we don't go potty in our pants he'd ignore me and not make eye contact. I started to think maybe that two weeks of no accidents was just luck? But, NO! He was telling me on his own when he had to go until all of a sudden he decided it was too much of a hassle to go all the way to the potty, plus I was just changing him and cleaning him right away so no inconvenience to him right? I tried making him help me clean up his accidents, but seriously that was like the end of the world to him. He would scream and say "Eww cucka momma, no no!!" "Momma do it!!" I tried time out, more crying & no real results.. Then I was starting to feel like the worst mom ever...that is until I remembered Chris' Grandma Fernelius telling me about how difficult Chris was. Chris also carried a favorite blanky around and called them his "woobies". They ended up tying his "woobies" on as underwear and telling him if he went potty he would get them all messy. It worked! He didn't dare go potty on his pecious "woobies". So 4 nights ago after Jack had had another accident we sat Jack down and told him calmly that if he wasn't going to tell us when he needed to go potty then we would have to take his "bebee's" away. Wow, you should have seen his face! I felt like a monster!! He cried and cried saying "my bebee's" "jack jack's bebee's!". Chris & I talked more and we were starting to think he didn't understand us at all. I didn't want him to think we were just being mean so I almost quit right there. We took them away from dinner time until bedtime and it was SO hard seeing him so sad. He definitely did understand us though, he has told me every time he has had to go since. You might think I'm harsh, but he is his father's son. Everybody does things their own way, to save me from going crazy this is what worked for us. I'm so proud of him. We dance & cheer every time he goes and he has told me several times this week "I keep my bebee's momma." Yes Jack you can keep your "bebee's".
Monday, July 15, 2013
Kenner Family Update
We've been having a lot of fun this summer :) I love being home with just my Jack boy during the day and Chris has a new schedule from 6-2:30 so he gets to spend a lot of time with us when he's not working his 2nd job or busy with his calling in Elder's Quorum. Chris has also been doing a "Biggest Loser" contest at work and has lost 13lbs, he's actually in 1st place right now and he plans to take me on a nice date with the money he would win! I'm really proud of all his hard work and I'm so grateful for how hard he works to provide for our family so I can stay home with our children. He's such a good guy and I'm kinda crazy about him :)
I've been able to keep up on housework a lot more lately and Chris and I have enjoyed spending most of our time at home playing with Jack or taking walks around the neighborhood with our "puppy" Sam. It's MUCH more enjoyable relaxing in a clean/tidy home then a messy one! Am I right? Though I've lacked on elaborate cooking, I promised Chris I'd get back to it this fall. I haven't been terribly hungry this pregnancy and I have only had waves of feeling starving and I'm pretty sure these times were during growth spurts of the baby because I swear I wake up some morning and my belly has doubled in size. I'm now 27 Weeks!! I only have 1 week left until I'm in the 3rd trimester and I CAN NOT believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone so far! 13 Weeks left, I can do this :) I actually feel great now, besides being tired a lot of the time and constant acid reflux this baby has been treating me pretty well. Jack has been getting up in the night all of a sudden because he either has to use the bathroom or is "scared of firetrucks" by "firetrucks" he means fireworks. He is TERRIFIED of fireworks and even since seeing/hearing them on the 4th of july he jumps at any load noise after it gets dark and he asks me over and over again, "Firetrucks all gone?". It makes me so sad :( I hate seeing him so troubled. Jack definitely knows something coming though, he's been so cuddly and clingy with me and is always asking, "momma hold you?" I don't mind at all but I do worry about what it will be like when brother arrives. I hope I transition into being a mother of two easily and that Jack loves his little brother from the beginning. I guess we will see!
Chris starts school back up Aug 21st, he decided he wanted to finish the last two classes he needs at SLCC for his Associates and will get to graduate in the Spring :) The Army signed a contract to pay for all of Chris' past and future schooling and I'm proud of him that he decided he wanted to finish. He plans to start at the U next fall and will only have about a year and a half to complete his Bachelors after that. I've always wanted Chris to have a degree because of the security it can have, but it is so wonderful he decided this for himself and is planning a great future for our family. He is excelling at his job at Hill Airforce Base and LOVES it there. He plans to make a career there and finishing school will only help him.
I'm really happy, I feel like I'm living my dream being home with my babies and I have been working on LOTS of sewing crafts lately. Can I just say EVERYONE needs to learn to sew!! It is such a versatile skill and I can see how much it has blessed my family, not only with beautiful quilts and burp cloths for my babies, but also being able mend our cloths and do alterations. I have fixed 4 pairs of jeans this month alone between Chris, my dad, and myself. I have even made a pair of maternity jeans into shorts so I can survive this hot summer. I'm so happy I know how to sew and continue to learn more and more with every project I tackle.
We were able to spend some fun family time with my two sisters earlier this month when my sister Ashlee and her family came in to town. Jack and his cousin Wesley are pretty funny to watch play and baby Owen is THE cutest little baby boy! It was so nice being with both my sisters and I can't wait to see them next time they come into town.
We are going on a little vacation the first week of August! We are driving to Mesquite and spending the weekend at one of their family friendly casino's! We plan to eat at the buffet, swim, go bowling at their bowling alley, and play in their arcade. We are REALLY excited! My mom and dad are meeting us there and hopefully my sister Heather and her husband Kyle as well. It will be a MUCH needed get away to celebrate our family while it's still just the three of us.
I'm still in Scouts, but they take off for the month of July so it's been a nice break. I still am on an activity committee in my church ward called "Daybreak" and I've planned a fun water party this Thurs for all the kids. I love the ladies in my ward. We get together on a regular basis for play dates at the park and we all are going to Discovery Gateway this Friday. So nice having great neighbors and friends close by.
That's life right now! I don't like how the heat makes my feet and hands swell, but I'm trying to enjoy every minute I have while I'm still just a mom of ONE. This fall is going to be a little hectic but we have worked out a game plan to make it so our family time together doesn't suffer and daddy gets a break. I love my boys so much! Can't even explain how amazing and blessed I feel to have Chris as my husband and father of our children. He is the best partner I could ever imagine having throughout the eternity's and I look forward to celebrating our 5 year anniversary in two months! I also LOVE being Jack's mom and can't wait to give him his brother.
I've been able to keep up on housework a lot more lately and Chris and I have enjoyed spending most of our time at home playing with Jack or taking walks around the neighborhood with our "puppy" Sam. It's MUCH more enjoyable relaxing in a clean/tidy home then a messy one! Am I right? Though I've lacked on elaborate cooking, I promised Chris I'd get back to it this fall. I haven't been terribly hungry this pregnancy and I have only had waves of feeling starving and I'm pretty sure these times were during growth spurts of the baby because I swear I wake up some morning and my belly has doubled in size. I'm now 27 Weeks!! I only have 1 week left until I'm in the 3rd trimester and I CAN NOT believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone so far! 13 Weeks left, I can do this :) I actually feel great now, besides being tired a lot of the time and constant acid reflux this baby has been treating me pretty well. Jack has been getting up in the night all of a sudden because he either has to use the bathroom or is "scared of firetrucks" by "firetrucks" he means fireworks. He is TERRIFIED of fireworks and even since seeing/hearing them on the 4th of july he jumps at any load noise after it gets dark and he asks me over and over again, "Firetrucks all gone?". It makes me so sad :( I hate seeing him so troubled. Jack definitely knows something coming though, he's been so cuddly and clingy with me and is always asking, "momma hold you?" I don't mind at all but I do worry about what it will be like when brother arrives. I hope I transition into being a mother of two easily and that Jack loves his little brother from the beginning. I guess we will see!
Chris starts school back up Aug 21st, he decided he wanted to finish the last two classes he needs at SLCC for his Associates and will get to graduate in the Spring :) The Army signed a contract to pay for all of Chris' past and future schooling and I'm proud of him that he decided he wanted to finish. He plans to start at the U next fall and will only have about a year and a half to complete his Bachelors after that. I've always wanted Chris to have a degree because of the security it can have, but it is so wonderful he decided this for himself and is planning a great future for our family. He is excelling at his job at Hill Airforce Base and LOVES it there. He plans to make a career there and finishing school will only help him.
I'm really happy, I feel like I'm living my dream being home with my babies and I have been working on LOTS of sewing crafts lately. Can I just say EVERYONE needs to learn to sew!! It is such a versatile skill and I can see how much it has blessed my family, not only with beautiful quilts and burp cloths for my babies, but also being able mend our cloths and do alterations. I have fixed 4 pairs of jeans this month alone between Chris, my dad, and myself. I have even made a pair of maternity jeans into shorts so I can survive this hot summer. I'm so happy I know how to sew and continue to learn more and more with every project I tackle.
We were able to spend some fun family time with my two sisters earlier this month when my sister Ashlee and her family came in to town. Jack and his cousin Wesley are pretty funny to watch play and baby Owen is THE cutest little baby boy! It was so nice being with both my sisters and I can't wait to see them next time they come into town.
We are going on a little vacation the first week of August! We are driving to Mesquite and spending the weekend at one of their family friendly casino's! We plan to eat at the buffet, swim, go bowling at their bowling alley, and play in their arcade. We are REALLY excited! My mom and dad are meeting us there and hopefully my sister Heather and her husband Kyle as well. It will be a MUCH needed get away to celebrate our family while it's still just the three of us.
I'm still in Scouts, but they take off for the month of July so it's been a nice break. I still am on an activity committee in my church ward called "Daybreak" and I've planned a fun water party this Thurs for all the kids. I love the ladies in my ward. We get together on a regular basis for play dates at the park and we all are going to Discovery Gateway this Friday. So nice having great neighbors and friends close by.
That's life right now! I don't like how the heat makes my feet and hands swell, but I'm trying to enjoy every minute I have while I'm still just a mom of ONE. This fall is going to be a little hectic but we have worked out a game plan to make it so our family time together doesn't suffer and daddy gets a break. I love my boys so much! Can't even explain how amazing and blessed I feel to have Chris as my husband and father of our children. He is the best partner I could ever imagine having throughout the eternity's and I look forward to celebrating our 5 year anniversary in two months! I also LOVE being Jack's mom and can't wait to give him his brother.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Jack is WAY too big!
My Jack is way too big. He can now communicate perfectly with me and knows more words than I could ever count. He talks in full comprehendible sentences and I still sometimes have to pick my jaw up off the floor when he says something like, "I brush and walked the horsey, he's nice." or "Clap for Jack-Jack, I go potty!" in perfect context. Something that was completely my fault and I felt terrible for was when he repeated, "Move out-da way Ouws-hole." (Ya not proud, I promise I'm not a potty mouth, just almost died on the freeway that day..) Jack started potty training Mid May and now is fully potty trained through not only the day, but also during naps, and the night. I feel super lucky that I get 3 whole months of "No more diapers, momma!", but that doesn't mean we don't have the occasional accident when he is are just "too busy".. Jack talks a lot about "Piyates" (pirates), "Jake and Nairland Piyates", and "ca'n hook". My sister Ashlee got him a dvd set for his birthday and my mom got him a fun Jack and the Neverland Pirate book, he loves them both and interacts with the show, shouting out the funny things they say. He spends a lot of his time saying, "yo-ho, lets-go" & "yay-hay, no-way". Not super' thrilled that he now says "yay-hay no-way" when he doesn't want to do something, still working on that. He also still LOVES his number one passion since he was barely crawling, "cycles". He is super excited that Chris now has a "mower cycle" and he talks about "daddy's cycle" all day long. Jack has become SUPER clingy to me lately and would love if I would carry him around on my hip all day. He is constantly saying, "momma hold you." I have to say my upper body strength is quite strong. As my back has gotten sore though I've had to tell him no and have him just hold my hand when we are out and about, but knowing I have only 3 1/2 months of just him makes me give in a lot more than I should. When I ask Jack, "What's in momma's belly?" he says " your baby body". I've tried to tell him it's his baby brother or that it's just a baby, but he insists that it's my "baby body." Jack DOES NOT like to talk about the baby, or being a big brother, so I worry a little about how he will react to the baby. Guess we will just have to wait and see...
We've been spending a lot of time at the park and the pool and I am really enjoying being home with just him. Jack's a strong willed child, but also a sweetheart. He gives the best loves and I can almost always calm him down quickly by just talking him through why he's upset. He is DEFINITELY two though..He had his first ginormous tantrum at the pool and has had 2 more since. (You know, the ones where you want to move 10 feet away and stare at him like he's someone else's beastly child? Ya that kind.) All three times, It took me longer than usual to secure him from thrashing and it was near impossible to talk him through it. When he finally did calm down the first thing he said was "Sarny I cry momma." Sigh..it's tough being two. And sometimes it's even tougher being the mom of said two year old. Jack is just growing up before our eyes, getting taller, and smarter everyday. His favorite food is corn and just ask him his favorite color, he will tell you. (It's "Ornge" by the way.) Love our little Jack-Attack. He makes our lives happy and exciting and we would't be a family without him.
We've been spending a lot of time at the park and the pool and I am really enjoying being home with just him. Jack's a strong willed child, but also a sweetheart. He gives the best loves and I can almost always calm him down quickly by just talking him through why he's upset. He is DEFINITELY two though..He had his first ginormous tantrum at the pool and has had 2 more since. (You know, the ones where you want to move 10 feet away and stare at him like he's someone else's beastly child? Ya that kind.) All three times, It took me longer than usual to secure him from thrashing and it was near impossible to talk him through it. When he finally did calm down the first thing he said was "Sarny I cry momma." Sigh..it's tough being two. And sometimes it's even tougher being the mom of said two year old. Jack is just growing up before our eyes, getting taller, and smarter everyday. His favorite food is corn and just ask him his favorite color, he will tell you. (It's "Ornge" by the way.) Love our little Jack-Attack. He makes our lives happy and exciting and we would't be a family without him.
Monday, June 3, 2013
My "Naunie Jack-Jack"
I was talking to my mom tonight telling her just how naughty my little Jack had been today, and she thought I should write down some of the naughty things he's done. It seems my little gremlin can't be fed, get wet, or be left a lone for even a second at any point of the day (not just after midnight).
Let me tell you some of his most recent "adventures"...Well, the other day he was eating Cheetos, I THOUGHT at the kitchen table, HA! I found him in the living room rubbing his orange hands all over my white fluffy kitty Laya, because they were "a mess mamma". Laya was seriously completely orange, I ended up having to give her a bath and scrub her fur. Needless to say, her fur is still a tinted orange color and she may never be the same after the cheeto incident or bath. Sigh..
Maybe some of you saw the awesome "Stary Night" scene Jack drew all over the glider-rocker in his room? Ya..that was an awesome day. He was actually in time-out at the time and decided it would be a good idea to draw all over the glider with a black pen. It took me 3 hours to scrub it out with a toothbrush & windex believe it or not, but luckily it came out.
A month or two ago Jack colored on my wall with silver sharpie. He was able to color seriously halfway to the top of the ceiling (I don't know how), but he was thorough. That required painting over his masterpiece, a pretty easy fix. I almost wanted to just leave it because he was so proud. He came up to me while I was making the bed and said, "Mamma, I color." He then took my hand and showed me, I'll admit I laughed a little at this.
Or the time I walked into the bathroom and found the whole tub was pink..He had emptied the entire bottle of Chris' Axe body wash into the tub, at least he smelled good.
Or how he will never get tired of emptying the cats food into the water dish....He does this AT LEAST 3 times a week.
Well today, Jack's listening skills (once again) seemed to have gone out the window. After a tuff morning of constant struggles over, movies, breakfast, and a surprising amount of those limp noodle tantrums on the floor. I put him in the tub to see if this would calm him down. While I went to go grab him some clean underwear and the baby lotion I hear, "Uh-oh, Jack-Jack go potty in tubbie." I was HOPING he had gone pee...but nope, I just wasn't that lucky. He had been stopped up for a few days so it wasn't just an easy clean up. I about died. I seriously just wanted to burn the house down, just so I didn't have to clean up the mess. He had of course dumped the entire bath toy box into the tub so that made things just a BIT more interesting as well...After I had cleaned the tub and re-bathed him I kinda just fell apart...and cried while I changed him into his clothes. Jack's been potty training and I've never had to deal with cleaning up any poop accidents because he HATES being messy. This was so unlike him, so I was a little bit frustrated and a lot a bit frazzled. Jack must have felt bad because he said, "sarny momma, Jack-Jack go poo-poo in potty". And proceeded to tell me 6 more times when he had to use the potty.
There are SO many more stories, probably about 5 a day so these are just a few of them. I just have to laugh sometimes because after he has done something naughty he will say, "Naunie Jack-Jack" and he always says "sarny momma" and gives me lots of hugs and kisses. He also must think I'm magic or something because after he breaks something or colors on a piece of furniture he will say, "Momma can fix it" and say "YAY momma!" After whats ever broken is fixed or whats ever is messy is cleaned. He definitely knows I'll love him know matter what though, what with the cheshire cat smile he throws my way after I've cleaned up (yet another) of his gigantic messes...
Let me tell you some of his most recent "adventures"...Well, the other day he was eating Cheetos, I THOUGHT at the kitchen table, HA! I found him in the living room rubbing his orange hands all over my white fluffy kitty Laya, because they were "a mess mamma". Laya was seriously completely orange, I ended up having to give her a bath and scrub her fur. Needless to say, her fur is still a tinted orange color and she may never be the same after the cheeto incident or bath. Sigh..
Maybe some of you saw the awesome "Stary Night" scene Jack drew all over the glider-rocker in his room? Ya..that was an awesome day. He was actually in time-out at the time and decided it would be a good idea to draw all over the glider with a black pen. It took me 3 hours to scrub it out with a toothbrush & windex believe it or not, but luckily it came out.
A month or two ago Jack colored on my wall with silver sharpie. He was able to color seriously halfway to the top of the ceiling (I don't know how), but he was thorough. That required painting over his masterpiece, a pretty easy fix. I almost wanted to just leave it because he was so proud. He came up to me while I was making the bed and said, "Mamma, I color." He then took my hand and showed me, I'll admit I laughed a little at this.
Or the time I walked into the bathroom and found the whole tub was pink..He had emptied the entire bottle of Chris' Axe body wash into the tub, at least he smelled good.
Or how he will never get tired of emptying the cats food into the water dish....He does this AT LEAST 3 times a week.
Well today, Jack's listening skills (once again) seemed to have gone out the window. After a tuff morning of constant struggles over, movies, breakfast, and a surprising amount of those limp noodle tantrums on the floor. I put him in the tub to see if this would calm him down. While I went to go grab him some clean underwear and the baby lotion I hear, "Uh-oh, Jack-Jack go potty in tubbie." I was HOPING he had gone pee...but nope, I just wasn't that lucky. He had been stopped up for a few days so it wasn't just an easy clean up. I about died. I seriously just wanted to burn the house down, just so I didn't have to clean up the mess. He had of course dumped the entire bath toy box into the tub so that made things just a BIT more interesting as well...After I had cleaned the tub and re-bathed him I kinda just fell apart...and cried while I changed him into his clothes. Jack's been potty training and I've never had to deal with cleaning up any poop accidents because he HATES being messy. This was so unlike him, so I was a little bit frustrated and a lot a bit frazzled. Jack must have felt bad because he said, "sarny momma, Jack-Jack go poo-poo in potty". And proceeded to tell me 6 more times when he had to use the potty.
There are SO many more stories, probably about 5 a day so these are just a few of them. I just have to laugh sometimes because after he has done something naughty he will say, "Naunie Jack-Jack" and he always says "sarny momma" and gives me lots of hugs and kisses. He also must think I'm magic or something because after he breaks something or colors on a piece of furniture he will say, "Momma can fix it" and say "YAY momma!" After whats ever broken is fixed or whats ever is messy is cleaned. He definitely knows I'll love him know matter what though, what with the cheshire cat smile he throws my way after I've cleaned up (yet another) of his gigantic messes...
If anything, he is thorough..
Pink tub
Can you see the orange tint? Weeks after getting lathered in cheeto dust.
My pretty wall..the light socket is still silver.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
My Doctor gave me an A+
Yesterday was my 20 week ultrasound and checkup. My ultrasound lasted a little over an hour and it was so exciting for Chris and I to see every cute little detail of our little boy. I've seriously never had that great of an ultrasound before and I loved being able to see each finger, toe, and his cute little pouty lips (he got those from me btw). This little boy's profile is just adorable! And his little feet that kicked nearly the whole time with sure be kissed a lot once he's born! I'm SO in love with this little guy already I can't wait to cuddle him! The ultra sound technician said everything from our babies measurements to his organs look great! He has every single finger and toe and is growing magnificently! Let me just tell you, there is nothing greater than knowing you are growing a healthy child.
Next came the (dreaded) urine sampling, weight gain check, and blood pressure check. Because of my past experience with pre-clampsia I was really nervous about this! Last month I started to show signs of hypertension again with some sudden weight gain and high blood pressure and I've been doing everything I can to make sure this doesn't happen again. Well, no protein in my urine, an excellent blood pressure reading, and I've only gained 11 pounds so far! My doctor told me he was thrilled with everything and that my pregnancy was going PERFECT! I was skeptical and kept asking him over and over again if all I'm doing is right and he told me that he is very proud of my efforts and that there is not a thing more I can do to ensure a healthy pregnancy. (He has been having me count my calories 1800/day and exercise 3 days a week for an hour). I am proud to say that I have kept on track with this and am feeling GREAT! Can you believe it? I never though the nausea and vomiting would ever quit, but it was funny..When I woke up on Tuesday, which was my half way mark I just felt amazing. My skin was glowing, I had tons of energy, and I just felt like I could finally take on the day. I have been battling a skin rash on my neck and have just been feeling more or less ugly. But that is clearing up and I have been putting some good time in at the gym. I haven't been super hungry with this baby so I haven't had to worry about cravings or anything this time around, but I'm so happy I've stopped throwing up. I'm feeling really strong again and by the end of the two appts I was in happy tears. It was so great to see everything from my body to the babies is healthy and that everything so far is great. I feel SO blessed right now I know this was the boost I needed to get through the two weeks I will be home alone with Jack. I think as long as I keep on track with the health goals my doctor (whom I absolutely LOVE) and I set I will continue to have a great pregnancy. I stop watching my friends baby tomorrow and though it will be sad to not see him everyday I know I need these last 4 months to bond with my Jack-Jack and stay healthy. I am so happy my appointment went so well and just love the 3 boys I have been given to take care of in my life
Next came the (dreaded) urine sampling, weight gain check, and blood pressure check. Because of my past experience with pre-clampsia I was really nervous about this! Last month I started to show signs of hypertension again with some sudden weight gain and high blood pressure and I've been doing everything I can to make sure this doesn't happen again. Well, no protein in my urine, an excellent blood pressure reading, and I've only gained 11 pounds so far! My doctor told me he was thrilled with everything and that my pregnancy was going PERFECT! I was skeptical and kept asking him over and over again if all I'm doing is right and he told me that he is very proud of my efforts and that there is not a thing more I can do to ensure a healthy pregnancy. (He has been having me count my calories 1800/day and exercise 3 days a week for an hour). I am proud to say that I have kept on track with this and am feeling GREAT! Can you believe it? I never though the nausea and vomiting would ever quit, but it was funny..When I woke up on Tuesday, which was my half way mark I just felt amazing. My skin was glowing, I had tons of energy, and I just felt like I could finally take on the day. I have been battling a skin rash on my neck and have just been feeling more or less ugly. But that is clearing up and I have been putting some good time in at the gym. I haven't been super hungry with this baby so I haven't had to worry about cravings or anything this time around, but I'm so happy I've stopped throwing up. I'm feeling really strong again and by the end of the two appts I was in happy tears. It was so great to see everything from my body to the babies is healthy and that everything so far is great. I feel SO blessed right now I know this was the boost I needed to get through the two weeks I will be home alone with Jack. I think as long as I keep on track with the health goals my doctor (whom I absolutely LOVE) and I set I will continue to have a great pregnancy. I stop watching my friends baby tomorrow and though it will be sad to not see him everyday I know I need these last 4 months to bond with my Jack-Jack and stay healthy. I am so happy my appointment went so well and just love the 3 boys I have been given to take care of in my life
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
I'm Sad Today
I really am just sad today...I've been crying and just wishing I had a turtle shell to haul up in for a few days. I know, I know...I'm 18 weeks pregnant so maybe it's just emotions, but the tunnels of life have just been long and I'm just waiting to see the light again. Something I've learned about being a mom is life can't just stop. No matter the jerks who creep in on your happiness, the troubles you face, or the emotional hurt you inflict on yourself. When your me, you can't ignore your most important job, that of being a mom. Not only am I a full-time mother to Jack, but also a full time mother to this boy growing inside me. No. I'm not feeding, changing, or burping the little guy. But he's sure been giving me endless sleepless nights, headaches, hip aches, queasiness, and all around constant discomfort. I'm not trying to whine, but seriously if you see a grimace on my face it's not you. It's the jabbing pain in my side or the constant belly ache I get whenever I eat. By 5 pm everyday I'd LIKE to call it a night, but most of the time i'm still on full time "chase Jack-Jack duty". You probably are reading this thinking, "wow...what a wimp, I have 5 kids and am not this whiney." We all have limits. I don't think 5 kids is going to be my life long endeavor anymore...
Regular Me:
I need routine and I can't just sit still reading a book or watching a show. I have project after project that fill my head. I'm a clean freak, and love to cook. I enjoy spending time with friends and family. etc etc. I'm basically just try to be a friend to all.
Lately Me:
Don't judge me, don't think I'm insane, don't forget me. Just know I try really really hard to do everything and as of lately I have no energy or desire to do ANYTHING..which means less cooking, less cleaning, less to no effort in relationships. Right now I just need to slow down and get through this next 5 months because pregnancy isn't something that sits well with me. Right now I really just want to get through the day without feeling like a failure. I'm just grateful for the friends and family of mine who really understand me and know that I need them right now, they may be very aware of my absence but still have kept our relationships strong. I'm very good at giving more than I take in a relationship, but I can't seem to meet my usual standards right now. Thank heavens for a husband who knows that and see's me beat myself over it, just to reassure me I'm great and wonderful no matter what. Thank heavens for a mother who probably knows me even more since she's seen every side of me for 23 years. She lifts me up, gives me breaks, and calms my soul. Thank heavens for friends. Never did I appreciate true friends until these past few months when they have kept me busy by stopping by or lending an ear. Thank heavens for my two sisters who call me and text me often, I may not get to see them as much as we would like but they are in my life everyday. I can't wait to feel like myself again. I still try to do so much and find that many opportunities to serve are thrown my way instead, but this is probably because thats the kind of busy I need to be right now. I'm just writing this down because this is my life's journal and I need to get it out of my head and in the open so I don't feel like I need to explain myself to every single person. I feel I am always wanting/needing to say "Im sorry", but now realizing this is just time that will pass and pretty soon I'll reach the end of this tunnel.
Regular Me:
I need routine and I can't just sit still reading a book or watching a show. I have project after project that fill my head. I'm a clean freak, and love to cook. I enjoy spending time with friends and family. etc etc. I'm basically just try to be a friend to all.
Lately Me:
Don't judge me, don't think I'm insane, don't forget me. Just know I try really really hard to do everything and as of lately I have no energy or desire to do ANYTHING..which means less cooking, less cleaning, less to no effort in relationships. Right now I just need to slow down and get through this next 5 months because pregnancy isn't something that sits well with me. Right now I really just want to get through the day without feeling like a failure. I'm just grateful for the friends and family of mine who really understand me and know that I need them right now, they may be very aware of my absence but still have kept our relationships strong. I'm very good at giving more than I take in a relationship, but I can't seem to meet my usual standards right now. Thank heavens for a husband who knows that and see's me beat myself over it, just to reassure me I'm great and wonderful no matter what. Thank heavens for a mother who probably knows me even more since she's seen every side of me for 23 years. She lifts me up, gives me breaks, and calms my soul. Thank heavens for friends. Never did I appreciate true friends until these past few months when they have kept me busy by stopping by or lending an ear. Thank heavens for my two sisters who call me and text me often, I may not get to see them as much as we would like but they are in my life everyday. I can't wait to feel like myself again. I still try to do so much and find that many opportunities to serve are thrown my way instead, but this is probably because thats the kind of busy I need to be right now. I'm just writing this down because this is my life's journal and I need to get it out of my head and in the open so I don't feel like I need to explain myself to every single person. I feel I am always wanting/needing to say "Im sorry", but now realizing this is just time that will pass and pretty soon I'll reach the end of this tunnel.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
The 2nd time around..
I'm going to be a mom of TWO in just a little over 5 months...CRAZY. I feel like these past 17 weeks have flown by, and I can understand why. Chasing and raising a 2 year old sure occupies your time and mind. I feel like I spend all my time focused on Jack, and rarely any time daydreaming about our little boy on the way. This is so different because I remember just thinking about Jack ALL.DAY.LONG while he was in my belly. I'm beyond excited to have this little one joining our home, I guess it still just feels surreal. I'll be half-way through this pregnancy at the end of this month and it seriously shocks me! We have our 20 week ultrasound May 29th and I can't wait to see in detail this little boys features.
10 Things that are different with this pregnancy:
#1 I've continued to have nausea and "morning" sickness past the 1st trimester.
#2 My skin is HORRIBLE, I'm constantly breaking out on my face and my skin is SO dry.
#3 I've been able to feel baby brother move since I was 13 weeks and he is quite the poke and prodder already.
#4 I can smell things MUCH MUCH stronger than with Jack, stinky feet are my enemy right now, I can even smell them on strangers from more than 5 feet away. It's horrible.
#5 I cry at like every movie and commercial. I actually cried at the end of "How to Train Your Dragon" It's bad.
#6 I haven't gained weight as quickly as I did with Jack.
#7 I'd basically not eat food if I didn't have to...
#8 I've become a shut-in, I never want to leave my house.
#9 I appreciate my husband more and recognize better the sacrifices he makes to let me stay home with our kids. This is something I want, and love and I feel blessed and grateful that he has made it possible.
#10 I'm not so nervous about having a newborn, I feel like I've got this "Momma" thing under control.
I love not being stressed about buying the essentials or anything, we have basically EVERYTHING this little guy will need, plus some! This definitely makes Chris happy, though he did take me to buy a couple new outfits for our little one :) But other than that, baby brother will be using Jack's crib bedding, blankets, clothes, shoes, etc. Which is great because I love that they are really going to get good use, especially because some of the clothes we have, have been hardly worn! I took it upon myself to make this little guy a new swaddling blanket THE NIGHT we found out he was a he :) it helped me feel closer to him and really made me feel like I was showing him how much I already love him. I'm trying to get the motivation to block out a quilt, but I've really been out of sorts. I've been having all sorts of aches and pains, and am still throwing up most days..I've also started swelling some nights which worries me. My doctor has given me a lot of advise this past week and I've been doing my best to adhere to it. I want this pregnancy to go as smoothly as it possible can. This does mean that I will need to stop watching my good friends baby at the end of the month. I feel terrible for putting her in this situation, but I know it will be the best thing for me and our baby.
Besides being sick (like all the time) nothing really is new around here. We stay home most week days unless we are invited elsewhere. Chris and my dad like switching handy man projects, they have been working on the sprinklers at our house and at my parents house most recently. It's nice having a handy man for a father and he has taught Chris a lot. I swear Chris will be able to build a house from the ground up, once they finish my dad's garage. Between Chris' dad teaching him all his auto mechanic skills and my dad teaching him things like laying and fixing sprinkler lines, I've got a real Jack of all trades on my hands :)
This summer it will be just Jack and I during the day, I'll be taking it easy so it will be very mellow. Filled with BBQ's in the backyard and walks to the park across the street. I don't want to take any of the tender moments for granted while we have just little Jack. This will be his last summer as our one and only, i'm going to make sure to document all of it so I don't forget a thing!
10 Things that are different with this pregnancy:
#1 I've continued to have nausea and "morning" sickness past the 1st trimester.
#2 My skin is HORRIBLE, I'm constantly breaking out on my face and my skin is SO dry.
#3 I've been able to feel baby brother move since I was 13 weeks and he is quite the poke and prodder already.
#4 I can smell things MUCH MUCH stronger than with Jack, stinky feet are my enemy right now, I can even smell them on strangers from more than 5 feet away. It's horrible.
#5 I cry at like every movie and commercial. I actually cried at the end of "How to Train Your Dragon" It's bad.
#6 I haven't gained weight as quickly as I did with Jack.
#7 I'd basically not eat food if I didn't have to...
#8 I've become a shut-in, I never want to leave my house.
#9 I appreciate my husband more and recognize better the sacrifices he makes to let me stay home with our kids. This is something I want, and love and I feel blessed and grateful that he has made it possible.
#10 I'm not so nervous about having a newborn, I feel like I've got this "Momma" thing under control.
I love not being stressed about buying the essentials or anything, we have basically EVERYTHING this little guy will need, plus some! This definitely makes Chris happy, though he did take me to buy a couple new outfits for our little one :) But other than that, baby brother will be using Jack's crib bedding, blankets, clothes, shoes, etc. Which is great because I love that they are really going to get good use, especially because some of the clothes we have, have been hardly worn! I took it upon myself to make this little guy a new swaddling blanket THE NIGHT we found out he was a he :) it helped me feel closer to him and really made me feel like I was showing him how much I already love him. I'm trying to get the motivation to block out a quilt, but I've really been out of sorts. I've been having all sorts of aches and pains, and am still throwing up most days..I've also started swelling some nights which worries me. My doctor has given me a lot of advise this past week and I've been doing my best to adhere to it. I want this pregnancy to go as smoothly as it possible can. This does mean that I will need to stop watching my good friends baby at the end of the month. I feel terrible for putting her in this situation, but I know it will be the best thing for me and our baby.
Besides being sick (like all the time) nothing really is new around here. We stay home most week days unless we are invited elsewhere. Chris and my dad like switching handy man projects, they have been working on the sprinklers at our house and at my parents house most recently. It's nice having a handy man for a father and he has taught Chris a lot. I swear Chris will be able to build a house from the ground up, once they finish my dad's garage. Between Chris' dad teaching him all his auto mechanic skills and my dad teaching him things like laying and fixing sprinkler lines, I've got a real Jack of all trades on my hands :)
This summer it will be just Jack and I during the day, I'll be taking it easy so it will be very mellow. Filled with BBQ's in the backyard and walks to the park across the street. I don't want to take any of the tender moments for granted while we have just little Jack. This will be his last summer as our one and only, i'm going to make sure to document all of it so I don't forget a thing!
Monday, April 22, 2013
We are having a BOY!
As most of you know the Kenner family is expecting another little boy this Oct! We are thrilled & now we are busy trying to nail down a name for the little one. I've decided I DEFINITELY need to see this little man in person before I can name him, and Chris agrees. Because the 1st trimester went so quickly I'm still in a little bit of shock that I will be half-way done with this pregnancy at the end of May! Crazy..though it has gone by fast it has not lacked with the intensity of pregnancy symptoms I've been feeling. I have been basically spewing my guts everyday since mid February and it hasn't eased up as of yet. Along with the many uncomfortable side effects pregnancy brings I've been exhausted. This could be because of watching my two year old all day along with my friends 9 month old baby, but honestly I'd attribute most of it to being pregnant. I have begun exercising again, which I think will really help with my mood and the constant exhaustion I've been feeling. I figured using the excuse of "I'll start exercising again when I stop throwing up" might never happen if it never stops lol.
Something amazing. I can feel the baby move already =) I felt the first flutters or sort of "popcorn popping" sensation at 13 weeks and now at 15 weeks I can feel actually nudges and kicks. This definitely helps me to feel closer to the baby and makes everything that much more real. My doctor informed me that my uterus is very forward and up front, which probably helps with me feeling the baby so easily, it also makes it very apparent physically that my bump is not just a hamburger still digesting. This little boy is already VERY active. I usually feel the best movements when I'm laying down just after lots of housework or walking. This happens especially late at night when I've finally gotten comfortable and about to dose off, little stinker.
I'm really falling in love with the little boy growing in my belly. On Saturday I attended my brother-in-law's wedding ceremony in the Draper UT Temple. I was just bawling. I had barely made it back to the sealing room after having to excuse myself to (once again) spew my breakfast in the bathroom. I'm so grateful I was there. The things they say during such a sacred ceremony touch people in different ways. For me it wasn't just that my brother had chosen someone to spend eternity with and that they were now starting a new life together, just the two of them. But that I too, nearly 5 years ago began this journey with my sweetheart Christopher and feel proud of the life we have created with each other. I lean heavily on him, and I know he does me as well. We have family values that were established within our faith that we believe and live by, but have also set our own set of values within our small family of three (almost four!) I'm just so excited to welcome this little boy into our family in just 5 1/2 months! He is already so loved and wanted, can't wait to meet him!
Sorry I took the pictures with my laptop, so they are backwards.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Jack Turns 2!
Our little boy turned 2 today! I just can't believe it! I almost feel as if his 2nd year in life went TWICE as fast as his first did. We have had such a fun year watching Jack grow in leaps and bounds. Jack is talking up a storm and is so smart! He is already putting together 5-6 word sentences, and can tell us exactly what he needs and wants. It's so nice being able to understand Jack, he used to get so frustrated when he could explain what he was trying to say. Jack has such a tender heart too, he is always giving Chris and I, his toys, his kitties, the puppy, & his favorite people random bouts of hugs and kisses. The other day I was getting ready for church and concentrating on applying my eye make-up. Jack came into the room and grabbed onto my legs and hugged them. I looked down at him as he was looking up at me, he then said, "Mamma pretty." I about melted into a million pieces, he says sweet things like that all the time.
BUT he's also a mimic, the other day I caught him saying a 4 letter word that started with and S...my fault. I've definitely been careful since, today he saved "Eat me up!" after I got him all dressed and ready for his pictures. Today he also told my grandma, "Nanny go inside" because he was having fun going out the doggy door and he wanted to continue being naughty without her correction. He really says the funniest things! I've been trying to write them down more often and I've started a journal about all the little things that make my life so great. MOST of them are about him :)
At Jack's 2 year check-up he weighed 30lbs 10oz, which is the 80th percentile & he is 34 1/2 inches tall, which is the 54th percentile. He loves his pediatrician Doctor Brasher and he giggled and played with him during the appt. Chris and I love seeing such a nice man care for our little boys health, he told us how excited he is to help us with our baby on the way and he even gave Jack a new book for his birthday :) What a great-great man!
Chris took off a few days to help me complete some projects over the weekend and we were able to renovate and decorate Jack's room into a big boy room to share with the baby. It turned out really cute and we were both very proud of our efforts. Sunday we had a family birthday party at my auntie Tina's house to celebrate Jack AND Uncle Brett's birthday's it was fun they really showed him the love that night! We had a busier weekend than expected, but we got everything we needed done, once Tuesday rolled around I felt I could finally give a sigh of relief!
For Jack's actual birthDAY we had an early morning picture appt. He did fabulous and we captured many of his amazing smile. While we waited for the pictures to get edited we took Jack to breakfast at McDonald's, I got a cute picture with him and his daddy and I can't believe how much of a spitting image he is of him! Chris even took Jack inside IFA when he got some fertilizer to show Jack the baby chicks, Jack sure got a kick out of that!
After Jack's Doctor appt. we ended the day by taking my good friend and member of our ward some dinner because she's on bed rest to stop early labor, scary :/ Then we hopped on over to "nanny" & "papa cake's". Chris helped Grandma update her phone, while Jack played pick-a-boo in their coat closet. Grandpa took me to Culver's and he picked us all up a VERY yummy dinner and dessert. It was such a fun day & night! Here are some pictures of Jack's birthday week!
Before: Still Cute
After: Big boy bed!
The cake I made Jack out of fondant :)
Pianta time!
Jack and Uncle Brett's cakes
Birthday Breakfast :)
Jack's 2 year pictures:
Monday, April 1, 2013
Easter 2013
Easter is such an uplifting holiday & I've spent it at my Grandma Hughes' house nearly every year as a child & now Chris & I enjoy going as a married couple with our little Jack. Jack loves "nanny" & "papa cake" & would spend his entire life in their beautiful backyard if he could! Easter is a time to reflect on our savior and the gift of life he gave me, my family, and the whole world.
We started out our weekend with the free egg hunt at Taylorsville City Hall, we took my mom's cousin Adrian, who was in town, and her family. It lasted like 5 seconds, but it was FREE and jack was laughing so hard the whole time. We then decided to go to This Is The Place and show Jack the baby animals. He was in HEAVEN! We had SO much fun, it is quite the cute place to take your little ones. We got to ride two trains, pan for gold, make a craft, ride some ponies, eat fresh made donuts, & hold the cutest baby farm animals! Definitely worth the trip!
Ready for the egg hunt!
Jack and Morgan
This Is The Place:
Sunday Easter Morning:
Our little family had SUCH a fun morning sharing the tradition of egg hunting with Jack. He thought it was so neat finding all the eggs in our living room and throwing them in his bucket. We then got dressed in our Sunday best and went to our church for the wonderful Easter program they prepared. The little children (primary) in our ward sang a few very emotionally touching songs about the Savior, nothing brings me to tears faster than a bunch angelic little children singing about Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ. It was just beautiful.
Be parents is WAY too much fun!
He was super exited :)
All ready for church!
Chris helped me make a VAT of potato salad for our little shin-dig at Grandma & Grandpa Hughes' house and we were able to help her set up for the party :) Chris got to hide the eggs for the first time and he was really excited and proud of his hiding skills! Jack found the "Magic" egg (with my help) and Grandma and Grandpa Hughes were all too generous with the AMAZING dinner they prepared as well as the gifts they gave their grandchildren. Everyone brought such yummy side-dishes, appetizers, & desserts! After dinner I gathered everyone outside and read them a poem I found and had prepared to share. I painted a little picture of the apple blossoms referred to in the poem and everyone was so kind to sit reverently and listen.
"Jelly Beans taste good for Easter,
They are blue, green, red, and pink.
What's important at Easter time?
I'll give you time to think.
Easter is a time for chocolate.
Chocolate eggs and bunnies too.
Easter Sunday is more important.
It's about a story that's really true.
Sure the Easter Bunny's great,
at Easter time, it's true.
But what else is there at Easter,That's more important to you?
What is the most important thing about Easter?
I'll give you a clue.
These apple blossoms that come each spring,
Are all fragrant and new,
They show there is still life,
In this apple tree.
It was just sleeping for winter.
It's alive as you can see.
A long time ago,
When Jesus lived on earth,
He had a great mission.
It started with His birth.
He taught about the good things of life,
How each of us should live.
How we should love one another.
How we should share and give.
There were some who would not understand,
The words that He said.
They hated Him and feared Him,
And rejoiced when He was dead.
He died...yet He lives.
That's the joyful message Easter brings.
We'll all live after death....
Just as these trees live every Spring!"
Afterwards my sweet cousin Sage shared the talk she had given in sacrament meeting about the Savior. She explained how happy it makes her that our church focuses on how the Savior LIVED more than on how he died. She really did a wonderful job and she is an amazing young lady.
We had fun on the swing set, chatting, and the boys had WAY too much fun playing a game of baseball and hitting the ball over the fence (& then climbing OVER the fence to get it). You should see Chris' knee, he is DEFINITELY one of the little boys. Mason said I was the best pitcher, I was pretty excited about that and I was surprised at how good my dad is at batting! We even stood still long enough to get a big family picture! I was so sad not to have the Harrison family with us, as well as everyone else was, but it's so wonderful to know families are forever and that we have a Heavenly Father and Savior who loves us all. It was a WONDERFUL Easter full of love, fun traditions, and family :)
Grandpa Great and Mason chillin
My cute cousins Sage and Morgan
The Vat :)
Eating his "Jack" cookie made and personalized by Sage and auntie Tina
The whole fam, minus the Harrison's, best family ever!
Jack cuddling with Grandpa Great, "Papa Cake".
Tina reading Jack his new book from Auntie Mindy, Brett did awesome sound effects :)
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